Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Top ten journals in information science?

Controversial issues of impact factor as a measure of a journal's importance are well documented. We can often read about misuse, manipulation and skewness of this measurements. The ASIS&T SIGMETRICS list is, for instance, a good forum to discuss all these problems.

However, in spite of all reservations, most of us like to keep an eye on Thompsons ISI citation index, whatever conclusions we may draw from it.

Here are what appear to be the most frequently cited journals in 2005 (for the sake of the simplicity of this message I had to leave out "Immediacy Index","Cited Half life", and "number of articles in 2005" which are all needed to get a full picture - see calculation... but anyway).

Total CitesImpact Factor
Management Information Systems Quarterly23954.978
J. of Am Medical Informatics Association20404.339
Information & Management, Amst.12301.524
Journal Of Management Information Systems11671.406
Int. Journal of Geographical Information Science9601.562
Information Systems Research9492.054
Journal of Information Technology3471.543
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology2982.652

1 comment:

Chaim Zins said...

Thanks for the fine list. One short comment: Scientometrics is not a subfield of Information Science. IS and Sc are two interrelated fields.