Wednesday, 28 March 2007

CFP - special issue of NRHM

Douglas Tudhope, the editor of the New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia invites paper for the special issue on Studying the Users of Digital Education Technologies: Theories, Methods, and Analytical Approaches.

This special issue of NRHM addresses issues associated with the qualitative understanding of the use of digital educational technologies in real-life contexts (with a focus on digital libraries, broadly conceived), by emphasizing the importance of contextual sociotechnical studies of technology use and design. The issue will consider educational technologies as complex mixtures of people, practices and technologies, embedded in a range of institutional, technological and social contexts. The editor therefore invites contributions that address the qualitative and sociotechnical study of digital educational technologies and users 'in the wild.'

Guest editor: Michael Khoo (
National Science Digital Library, University Corporation for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, Colorado, United States

Submission deadline: 16 May 2007
Acceptance notification: 2 July 2007
Final manuscripts due: 20 August 2007

Submissions should be sent by email to the guest editor, preferably in
pdf format. Questions and enquiries concerning this call should be
directed to the guest editor. Open topic papers meeting NRHM's scope in
general are also welcome (send to Editor:

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