Friday, 11 July 2008

Dead KM Walking

For the benefit of those in ISKO UK who are not also members of the BCS-KIDMM mailing list, I reproduce below a posting I have just made to the latter.

While checking my NewsFox portfolio for items suitable for a response to Conrad's recent call for suggested RSS feeds, I came across the video below produced by Patrick Lambe (a UCL alumnus) whom I admire a great deal. If you can find a spare 40 minutes, I recommend you watch/listen to Patrick discussing KM with gurus Larry Prusak and Dave Snowden. It will be food for thought for some, maybe poison for others...

Dead KM Walking

Watch out KM pigeons - here come the cats!

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

End of the line for DDC?

LibraryThing - a kind of online book club with social software features à la Flickr - recently issued a call for people to "help build the Open Shelves Classification (OSC), a free, 'humble', modern, open-source, crowd-sourced replacement for the Dewey Decimal System." Tim ?, LibraryThing's founder explains why he thinks it necessary:

"The Dewey Decimal System® was great for its time, but it's outlived that. Libraries today should not be constrained by the mental models of the 1870s, doomed to tinker with an increasingly irrelevant system. Nor should they be forced into a proprietary system—copyrighted, trademarked and licensed by a single entity—expensive to adopt and encumbered by restrictions on publishing detailed schedules or coordinating necessary changes."

More details and some early comments on the idea can bee seen at LibraryThing's web site.

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Announcement: Cataloguing and Indexing Group Conference, Glasgow, September 2008

CILIP Cataloguing and Indexing Group Conference entitled "Classification and subject retrieval in the 21st century: you can't make jelly without a mould" will take place at the The University of Strathclyde on 3 - 5 September 2008

The CIG conference 2008 web pages are now available at:

Online booking is now open.

135 years after Melvil Dewey first had the idea for his classification scheme and with the exponential growth of new information storage and retrieval systems we are still wrestling with finding the right way to get things in order - on the shelves and in those very systems - and then to enable people to find them when they search. This conference is intended to explore current developments in classification and subject retrieval. The conference programme will cover both the longstanding methods - such as traditional classification schemes - right up to social networking and 'bleeding edge' ideas. The conference will also include the CIG AGM and Annual Standards Forum.

Following a call for papers, the conference programme is now in place. Papers will be considered for publication in Catalogue and Index following the conference. Powerpoint or similar presentation files, that accompany papers, will be published on the CIG website.

The varied programme of presentations and updates on standards will be complemented by opportunities to network with fellow professionals.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Announcement: Intercultural Knowledge Landscapes, Florence, 11-12 September 2008

A workshop "Intercultural Knowledge Landscapes" organized by Terminology and Intercultural Web Landscapes Working Group will take place on 11-12 September 2008 in Florence (Italy).

Venue: L’Agenzia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo dell’Autonomia Scolastica (ex Indire), via Buonarroti 10 – 50122 Firenze.

- communication and interculturality;
- web accessibility and multilingual glossaries;
- on line information in the domain of communication/knowledge/information;
- e-book on “Communicate differently”;
- training;

The language of the workshop: Italian and English.

Preliminary Programme:

Thursday, the 11th September
10.00 Registration
10.30 Introduction,
Giovanni Biondi
10.40 Working group: criteria, methods and goals,
Paola Capitani
10.50 Le applicazioni del web 2.0 per l’apprendimento e le biblioteche,
Lucia Bertini
11.00 [Title to be announced]
Daniele Montagnani
11.10 [Title to be announced]
Mario Rotta
11.20 La normativa UNI: partenza e obiettivo del web semantico,
Roberto Ravaglia
11.50 Working groups
14.00 Translation e intercultural landscapes,
Franco Bertaccini
14.20 Interculture, communication and…
Mela Bosch
14.40 Formalization of the terms relation in multilingual thesauri,
Piero Cavaleri
15.00 Artificial intelligence and semantic web,
Salem Badee
15.20 E-learning pills,
Umberto Amicucci
16.00 Working groups
17.00 Plenary session

Friday, the 12th September
10.00 OPAC experience on the public libraries’ user profile, Gianfranco Bettoni
10.20 Subject to be defined,
Daniele Toulouse Cordier
11. 00 [Title to be announced],
Claudio Todeschini
12.00 Working groups
13.00 Plenary session
13.30 Conclusions

For further information contact Paola Capitani (