Call for Presentations and posters9th European NKOS Workshop
at ECDL 2010Glasgow, 9th-10th September 2010Proposals are invited for presentations and posters on work related to the themes of the workshop (see below).
Submission deadline: 14th June 2010
Notification of acceptance: 12th July 2010
Please email proposals (maximum 1000 words for presentations and 500 words for posters, including aims, methods, main findings, relevance to themes of workshop) by June 14th to Douglas Tudhope ( Proposals will be peer-reviewed by the program committee and notification of acceptance will be given by July 12th.
Full details at the workshop's
Key themes for the 9th NKOS workshop will be
1. Mapping relationships and their impact on retrieval performance
2. KOS registries and metadata
We also welcome proposals relevant to the NKOS community, including but not limited to
3. Linked Data - its connection with different types of KOS applications and implementations
4. SKOS implementations and SKOSifying vocabularies and SKOS-based services
5. Social tagging and informal knowledge structures augmenting established KOS
6. User-centred issues relating to the above
Other NKOS topics can also be proposed.
For inspiration, please visit the NKOS network
Main contact
Douglas Tudhope,
Faculty of Advanced Technology,
University of Glamorgan,
Pontypridd, Wales CF37 1DL,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1443 483609
Email: organisers
Traugott Koch, Max Planck Digital Library, Berlin, Germany
traugott.koch@mpdl.mpg.deMarianne Lykke Nielsen, Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark,