Transcending Boundaries in Europe in the Period of the Belle Époque: Organizing Knowledge, Mobilizing Networks, and Effecting Social Change VENUE:
Mundaneum, Mons (Belgium), 20-21 May 2010
conference websiteThe Belle Epoque is a turbulent period in Western European history between about 1880 and 1914 characterized by an emerging modernization in social and political organization, artistic and literary life and in the conduct and discoveries of the sciences.

Papers for the colloquium will explore aspects of network development, information creation, organization and exchange, and related “boundary spanning” activities of individuals and institutions and the scholarly tools and techniques that enabled them to develop during the period of the “Belle époque” in which the Western European world underwent extensive social, political and “epistemic” change.
- Dave Muddiman: Imperialism, Trade and the Beginnings of Business Information: the Commercial Intelligence Bureau of the Imperial Institute, London, 1887-1903
- Alistair Black: An Information Management tool for the Dismantling of Internal Barries in Expanding and Internationalising Companies : The Staff Magazine in Britain before de First World War
- Heather Gaunt: Information, the archive, and the Australian colonies
- Hartman Frank: World Communication Cables and Ernst Kapp‘s Philosophy of Technology
- Volker Barth: World News Order: Structures and Conditions of International Communication, 1859-1940
- Christophe Verbruggen & Julie Carlier: The transcending advocacy network of Les Documents du Progrès (1907): a comparison of laboratories of social thought
- Noémie Goldamn: Art and Politics. The XX (1894-1914) and their transboundary cultural networks
- Wouter Van Acker: Paul Otlet and the International Sociology of Intellectual Work
- Mary Carroll & Sue Reynolds: The Great Classification Battle of 1910: A Tale of “Blunders and Bizzareries” at the Melbourne Public Library
- Damiano Matasci: Transnational Networks and School Reforms in France during the Belle Époque Period (1880-1914)
- Mary Niles Maack: From the Classified Catalog to Open Shelf Libraries: Americans in Paris
- Valérie Montens: The Royal Belgian Commission for International Exchanges: creation, organization and activities of an international artistic network (1871-1919)
- Jan Vandersmissen: How King Leopold II used Emile de Laveleye’s intellectual network for the benefit of his African project
- Françoise Levie: Punch-up at the Palais Mondial ; an analysis of the buried and contradictory tensions that came into conflict at the second Panafrican Congress in Brussels in 1921
- M. Herve Hasquin: Une Belgique avant-gardiste
- Bruno Notteboom: Paysage urbain. Louis Van der Swaelmen and the classification of the urban, rural and national problem in Préliminaires d’Art Civique
- Sophie Hochhäusl: From Mulhall to Brinton, From Number Charts to Picture Statistics
- Nader Vossoughian: Architecture, Type, and the Rethinking of the Humanist Tradition during the Belle Époque
- Geert Somsen: Uniting the World through Science: Pieter Eijkman’s World Capital in The Hague
- Jan Surman: Divided Space – Divided Science? The Variety of Boundaries in Habsburg Empire and their Influence on Science Before the First World War
- Daniel Laqua: Scientific Pacifism’ in the Belle Époque: Alfred H. Fried’s Efforts to Promote Peace across National Borders
- Markus Krajewski: Organising a Global Idiom. Esperanto, Ido and the World Auxiliary Language Movement before WWI
- Fabian de Kloe: Beyond Babel: Science and International language during the Belle Époque
- Mikel Breitenstein: Unity Through Language: BASIC English by C. K. Ogden
- Alex Csiszar: Material Practices of Unity: The International Catalogue of Scientific Literature in Action
- Paul Servais: Scientific Networks and International Congresses; Orientalists before the First World War
- Charles van den Heuvel: Transcending Networks – Transcending Classifications (1905-1935)